a blog of short and medium length ttrpg thinking posts

Friday, September 6, 2024

gun rules

No one asked for this, but here we are.

a selection of handguns from the d20 modern rpg

Gun Rules

Guns deal two dice of damage. A stationary attacker may fire rounds up to their gun's rate of fire, adding +1 to hit for each round after the first.

Roll two dice for a random gun; the lower indicates the type found. 

RollTypeAmmoRate of Fire
1Automatic pistol8 bullets4, move reload
2Revolver6 bullets2, action reload
3Manual rifle8 bullets or shells2, action reload
4Automatic rifle

10 bullets

6, move reload
Flaregun1 flare or shell1, move reload
6RPGOne useOne use 

Outside of 30', pistols take a -2 penalty. Outside of 60', pistols take -4 and rifles -2. Outside of 120', pistols take -6 and rifles -4. Outside of 240', pistols take -8 and rifles -6, and so forth.

Shells deal the higher two of three dice of damage within 60' and the lower two of three dice outside of 120'. Flares deal one die of damage to all adjacent targets. Grenades deal three dice of damage on a direct hit, two dice indirectly or one die 10' to 20' away.

Shooter (Class)

Level and d4 HD as thief, to-hit and save as fighter. May wear light armor and use one-handed hand weapons and any kind of gun.

RUN: you may half your movement near-instantly. This automatically avoids one missile or counts as a save against one trap or spell. You regain the use of this ability by drinking a quicksilver vial or resting for the night.

GUN: when you kill a hostile person, there is a 1-in-6 chance they drop a random gun. Additionally, any hostile creature has a HD-in-6 chance to drop: (1) bullets, (2) quicksilver vials, (3) HP, (4) shells equal to their HD or (5) one flare, (6) one hand grenade when you kill them. These drops can only be collected by you, or by another shooter if you made the kill while retreating.

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